Friday, August 28, 2009

Macbeth Act V Vocabulary

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Vocabulary Word


Part of Speech

Sentence in Context

Own Sentence

1. Arbitrate

to act as a judge in a dispute between others

T. verb, i. verb

“Thoughts speculative their unsure hopes relate, / But certain issue strokes must arbitrate.” V.iv.19–20

Judges act as arbitrators between the plaintiffs and the defendants.

2. Clamorous

demanding attention loudly and insistently


“Make all our trumpets speak; give them all breath. / Those clamorous harbingers of blood and death.”–10

The car alarm was very clamorous and stressed me out.

3. Cowed

to frighten somebody into submission or obedience

T. verb

“Accursèd be that tongue that tells me so, / For it hath cowed my better part of man!” V.viii.23–24

The king cowed the nobles by saying if they didn’t listen to him, he would kill them.

4. Equivocation

the use of vague or ambiguous and sometimes misleading language


“I pull in resolution, and begin / To doubt th’ equivocation of the fiend / That lies like truth…” V.v.42–44

The equivocation of the riddle made it hard to figure out.

5. Valiant

brave and steadfast; a brave and steadfast person

Adjective, noun

“Some say he’s mad; others, that lesser hate him, / Do call it valiant fury…” V.ii.13–14

Police officers must be valiant to protect the citizens.

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